• 1) BrandLite

    We don’t want you to invest in branding without knowing if it’s the right time or if we’re a good fit for your business. That’s why we start each project with a BrandLite session.

    It’s a brief introduction into finding out what you want from your brand and how we can help. This short intensive phase will benefit any new creative business or rebrand that is looking for depth and clarity in their branding. It’s a great way to start to ensure we’re a good match.

  • 2) Define

    After your BrandLite session, we’ll continue to discuss concepts, deliverables and an action plan, as we decide the best route to take your brand.

    In this phase we go into more detail and put together your brand strategy. Our clients find this an invaluable part of the process because we often talk about aspects of their brand they may not have thought about.

    We will then put together a brand strategy presentation which outlines your brand story, tone of voice and brand personality. This will reflect the research we collect from your competitor and audience analysis. In response, we will present 2 concepts as potential directions for your brand.

  • 3) Create

    We then look into developing one of the concepts that best aligns with your brand strategy. We will experiment with multiple visual elements and present the ones we feel will be suitable for your brand. The presentation will include logos, colour palettes and typography alongside other brand assets. For our print, web and social media design packages, this is when we’ll put together the rest of the package according to your new branding. 

    During this process we will also amend any revisions and work closely with you to bring your brand to life.

  • 4) Launch

    Once designs have been approved, we’ll send over the final files in an organised folder alongside your Brand Strategy and Brand Guidelines. This will allow you to feel confident to manage your branding and continue to grow with your new brand after working with us.

    Any printed stationery will be received before your launch date and there will be a scheduled date for the launch of your new website.