8 Branding Mistakes Every Garden Designer Should Avoid


Your brand is an extension of your work. It reflects your intentions as a business owner and gives potential clients an insight into who you are. First impressions matter when it comes to branding. If you don’t consider your brand you’re allowing people to make assumptions about your business.

In a competitive market people want to know what you can do for them. Your work invites them in but your brand gives them a reason to invest. This doesn’t happen overnight so it’s important to be aware of any challenges that will impact how you build your brand.

In this article, we share the common mistakes garden designers make when it comes to branding. Every point has a big impact on time, money and growth, so it’s important to be aware of what you should avoid.

1. Being inconsistent

You are selling a service. You need clients to believe in what you do. This is why your brand is so important. Consistent branding builds trust. When you’re consistent it shows that you mean it. It suggests that you care about what people think and why you should be taken seriously as a garden design expert.

Consistency across all aspects of your brand is essential. Your tone of voice, colour palette, quality of graphics etc. says a lot about your intentions. People will notice mistakes and differences in your branding which will have a negative impact on how your brand is perceived. The inconsistencies might look careless, messy and lack attention to detail which people might feel is a reflection of the work you do for your clients.

2. DIY branding

Branding is an important asset for any business, but for small businesses the investment can be a big commitment. If you’re satisfied with the way your business is operating and are working consistently with clients, you might not be worried about changing that.

However, if you’re not getting the results you’d like, it might be something for you to consider. Working with a Brand Designer will make a difference to how you connect clients, build a reputation and grow your business sustainably. 

For tips about how to build a brand on a budget, check out this article:

Why Cheap Design Has An Expensive Impact On Your Brand

3. Not having a niche

A niche means specialising in a service that will resonate with a particular client. Some people see defining a niche as limiting their market. They think this approach will lose clients. But when you think about all the possibilities that come from focusing your marketing, you’ll begin to see how your business will connect with clients who will really value your expertise.   

We create brands to connect with people and if you’re too vague about who this person is, there won’t be enough focus to stand out from your competitors. 

By narrowing your market you can deliver a targeted message that will have more impactful on the right client. Your brand will speak directly to this person as you’re acknowledging the root of a specific problem. This will make it difficult for them to overlook you as it’s clear your services are what they need.

4. Not being authentic

People connect with people. For your garden design business a human connection is important for building trust with clients. Potential clients want to know who’s behind the brand.

You might think being professional means being formal or presenting a polished image of your business in order to be taken seriously. When really clients want to see who they’re really working with; a designer who’s passionate about what they do, cares about their clients and can create beautiful gardens.

It’s about building an unique identity that reflects the personality you want to create with your brand. Your business is a people brand after all, so it’s necessary for clients to want to get an insight into who you are and how you work.

5. Not having a brand story

When our clients first come to us they often feel overwhelmed by the concept of branding. They’re unsure about how to make meaningful connections with potential clients. The reason for this is there’s no structure. Everything is all over the place and there’s no clarity. That’s why we like to use the brand storytelling approach.

Every business has a story but this approach is about inviting clients into your world. It’s about standing out to them and giving them a reason to choose you.

When clients are looking for a Garden Designer, they want to know how you can help them. A compelling way of showing them how you can help is through storytelling. It's an extremely beneficial way to market your business because people love to see a journey, especially when it relates to them. It communicates who your business is for, how you help and what the solution looks like. With this approach you will not only connect with clients on an emotional level, but you’ll provide context to your services that will leave a lasting impression.

6. Not understanding your ideal client

Every branding decision is influenced by the people you want to attract. That’s why strong brands are specific about who the business is for. From your clients perspective they’re looking for results. They want to know how your services will help them.

Who is your ideal client? Understand who they are, what they are looking for and how you’ll reach them. When it’s clear who your business is for, your ideal client will know you’re the expert that they need.

If you’re not specific about who your business is for, you won’t stand out. The more specific you are, the bigger impact your brand will have. Clients don’t invest in generic brands - they work with people they know they can trust.

7. Not researching into your competitors

You can learn a lot from your competitors. Insight into what they do or might not do so well will help you become aware of where you want to position your business.

Potential clients will do their research and are likely to compare your business to other Garden Designers. You want to find a way to stand out and connect with clients that will ensure them that your services are right for them. Highlight aspects that are important to your ideal client and reflects what you do best. It might be through your brand values, design process or your niche. Whatever it is, use it to position yourself away from your competitors.

8. Neglecting social media

Social media is an easy way for you to market your business. It’s an extension of your brand and is a great way to engage with potential clients. Don’t underestimate the power of social media when it comes to marketing your business. Not only is it free advertising but the scale of people you can reach online and drive sales to your website shouldn’t be overshadowed.

If you’re struggling to find time, think about where your ideal client hangs out. Then focus on getting really good at 1-2 platforms.

Final Note

If you’d like help with any of the areas we’ve discussed in this article, please get in touch.


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